STADA on jo 125 vuoden ajan huolehtinut maailmanlaajuisesti meille kaikille tärkeästä asiasta, terveydestä. Ihmisten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista huolehtiminen on ollut STADA:n keskeinen päämäärä, johon myös yhtiömme filosofia ja missio perustuvat.
- STADA Nordic toimii kaikissa pohjoismaissa; Suomessa, Tanskassa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Islannissa
- Yrityksen pääkonttori sijaitsee Tanskassa
- STADA Nordic kuuluu Saksassa vuonna 1885 perustettuun STADA Arzneimittel AG konserniin
- STADA Arzneimittel Ag toimii maailmanlaajuisesti yli 30 maassa
- STADA:n tuotteita myydään noin 120 maassa
- Työntekijöitä on noin 11 000

STADA takes part in fair competition and aims to succeed in the market with the help of its employees, its innovative strength, the quality of its products as well as the reliability and correctness of its production processes and supply chain.
The company respects applicable law and expects the same from its employees as well as from its business partners. Unlawful conduct can cause substantial economic damage. The mere suggestion of unlawful conduct can cause harm to STADA’s market position. The consequences of one’s own actions are also to be measured by the effect they have on the reputation of the company as well as on the integrity of its employees and its management.
An additional cornerstone of the company’s success is the encouraging and motivating corporate culture, which is determined by the responsible and ethical conduct of all its employees. Such corporate culture also requires the employees’ own commitment to ensure that we conduct our business with a high degree of integrity.
If you become aware of any cases of: corruption, personal data protection violation, money laundering, anti-trust violation, conflict of interests, or other incompliant or illegal behavior or you have a grounded suspicion of the above, please, write us at mail@stada.dk.
External Certification of Compliance Management System
In order to further demonstrate, how deeply our value “integrity” is anchored within STADA Group, STADA recently underwent a comprehensive independent external audit/ certification of its Compliance Management System (CMS) in the areas of anti-bribery/ anti-corruption, anti-trust, export control and data protection.
This audit was completed by the audit firm EY in accordance with the German Assurance Standard 980 taking into account the ISO standards 19600 and 37301.
The audit took place with a broad geographical scope – covering 10 key STADA markets such as Germany, Russia, Serbia and others with the result of an “unqualified audit opinion” – which is the best result possible.
- Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Employees of STADA Group » - Data Protection etc.
Data protection notice pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) » - For HCP‘s
Privacy Notice according to the GDPR »
Declaration of consent for use of_disclosure of your personal data »
Consent to audio and visual video recordings »

© 2020 STADA Nordic